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Asset protection advice

The way your business is structured affects the protection of your business and personal assets.

Asset protection is often one of the most neglected aspects of personal financial planning. How well your assets are protected depends on the way you structure the ownership of assets, ensuring they’re owned in the right names or entities.


At M&H Tax and accounting, we specialise in asset protection advice that finds the most appropriate structure to ensure you and your business are well protected. What’s more, you may find that choosing a different structure can reduce the amount of tax you’re paying.


Contact us today for our asset protection service and find out how we can ensure your private family and valuable business assets are adequately insulated from any possible future financial setbacks, family disagreements and/or business failure.

Business Meeting

Tax Compliance

Tax and Business Advice

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Migration Assistance

Contact us for a free consultation

T: (08) 9275 7888   E:  

Address: 1/174 Hampden Road, Nedlands, WA 6009

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